
September 2010:
I started this blog to help me Get Things Done – sewing and knitting, mostly.

But now I have a daughter! So I continue to daydream in painstaking detail about things I’d like to make but squeeze the ‘doing’ into evenings and naptimes.

Can I keep it up? Time will tell!

September 2009:
WR094mthsJust signed up to Wardrobe Refashion for another four months. Ahead lies more

  1. sneaky photos in changing rooms and shopfloors of clothing that I like, but could make myself
  2. having increased motivation and drive to get projects actually DONE instead of just running a virtual roster of ideas that never see the light of day
  3. blogging, and getting the biggest kick out of being in a global gang of needle-wielding ideas-fiends (better than idea-wielding needle-fiends, eh?)
  4. getting really amazing and uplifting feedback from you lovely folks out there.

Bring it on.

June 2009:
I’ll blogfess any magpie booty, accompanied by this little black and white beauty (see right). Then worked into WR projects, wherever possible. Magpie booty being… thrifted, second hand garments or crafty things that don’t strictly break the WR pledge, but have the potential to refill the stash or sit in the box under the bed, neglected, unused and pointless, for years.

May 2009:

I just joined Wardrobe Refashion to encourage me further to Get Things Done.Wardrobe Refashion 2 months

Since starting to blog earlier this year, an unavoidable truth has emerged: I am very, very good at magpie-ing – bringing new stuff back to the nest. I’m also pretty good at self-righteous denial where it comes to buying clothes: feeling up the clothing and saying “Shan’t. Could make it myself and it would be exactly what I want”. But then I do nothing.

All these finds just sit under the bed in boxes, only seeing the light of day or feeling the prick of a needle (ooh-er missus!) after much guilt-ridden self-nagging.

So, my aim is to focus energy into using my skills and the stuff I have, instead of simply adding to the to-do list.

Watch this space.

Jan 2009:
I started this blog to encourage me to do one thing in particular: Getting Things Done. Specifically, this means

  1. using my haberdashery stash, my new overlocker and my pattern collection
  2. putting into practise the pattern-cutting skills taught me by Linda Powell
  3. making good on promises to make stuff for my loved ones
  4. trying  and crack this procrastination thing on the head
  5. blogging about it and improving my html skills

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3 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: The Pledge – it’s official « Georgeina’s Blog

  2. Kathleen Dowsey

    The pictures of the 2 people in the canoe are my mother and my grandfather. Could you please tell me how you got this picture and if you have any others.

    Thank you

    Kathleen Dowsey

  3. Jo

    happened upon your blog and love your childrens clothes. I’ll look forward to going through your archives and finding what other lovely stuff you have made ;)

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About me

I started this blog to help me Get Things Done: sewing and knitting mostly.
But now I have a daughter! So I continue to daydream in enormous detail about what I'd like to make, but squeeze the 'doing' into precious naptimes and evenings.

Can I keep it up? Time will tell!

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